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Jawline Surgery Types

Most of us say that a jaw structure with sharp and beautiful lines makes people look healthier, younger, and self-confident person. However, some of us may not have a good jawline and this issue can reduce your happiness, self-confidence and it reduces our mood.

But, in the modern world having a bad-shaped jawline is not a problem. There are several ways to get a better jawline. We can divide these ways into two that nonsurgical and surgical options.

The non-surgical options are better for those patients who have mild to moderate fat obscuring the jawline. Dermal fillers, fat-melting injectable agents called Kybella, neurotoxins, and surgical treads are can be shown in the non-surgical method.

On the other hand, there are surgical options. The core treatments of surgical options are liposuction and neck lift or both of them. Also, there is a new technology called radiofrequency energy. Surgical treatments are for patients who have a moderate to the larger amount of fat and loose skin around the neck and jawlines.

  • Neck Liposuction
    • With this method, surgeons remove fat from the jawline area and the neck. You’ll have mild to moderate skin tightening with liposuction.
  • Neck Lift
    • Neck lift surgeries offer the best long-term results. Because all of the structures such as muscle, skin, fat, and SMAS, which can make your jawline sharper and more defined can be accessible in one procedure to give you maximal results.
  • Radiofrequency Energy
    • RF energy can tighten flaccidly skin in the neck area. Also, RF energy can be used to tighten the skin after neck liposuction. This procedure can be used with other surgical methods.

The bottom line is a better jawline can make you feel happier and more confident. If you are not satisfied with the appearance of the jawline and if you are looking for a solution for this issue, one of these types of surgery can make you look you wanted.

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